Recently, the two of us, among other people, called Seja, Kalila, Robin, Teo, Eric, etc. went to a place called Rio Frio. River Cold. Also, avant de ça, nous avons fait some clothings for example a shirt and a skirt. For saying again what I just said, except more better: Before we went to Rio Frio, me and her (her is Gus) lugged a long plastic folding table into my (Rat's) room after finally spending Rat's Hancock Fabrics gift cards on a bunch of different printed cotton fabrics at Hancock Fabrics which (little fact for you and me to treasure and adore!) is a place we dislike visiting at.
Furthermore, we lugged the table into the room for the following reason. The aforementioned following reason is coming up in the near future of your reading experience. Here it is, in the very next sentence after you finish reading this one! This: We were going to make some clothings, specifically a shirt for Pointy Kitty (Gus) and a skirt for Lil' Ging (Rat), and we were going to use the table for assisting in the making of them. So we did just that (made them)! We also took some avant-garde photographs of that learning experience.
We made our very own patterns and strayed from them all by ourselves.
Lil' Ging's skirt has silly lil' cantaloupes on it, and Pointy Kitty's shirt had silly lil' sideways robots on it.
Guess what? A good book(s) is The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and the books that come after it.
Anyway, here are them photoos of the making of Pointy Kitty and Lil' Ging's clothing!
So, There. You go.
Another extremely important thing: There is an improv game called the One Word Game where there is a group of people and they go in a circle each contributing one word to a sentence or series of sentences. This is what happened when we played it:
Lenny had a baby. Wow, that is a big baby! When I find out who birthed that baby I will kill their first friend!
He was acting jerkish for circus, said Duck and Oliver.
Oliver Oliver Oliver!
You just got turned off by a big switch, or as Lenny said, it was me!
When we hit the road with baseball bats and car tires, we waited while the car drove itself by being driven by Gus's dad, to get to our destination. Once we were at it, we did stuff. For example, swimming stuff. With our friend, Teo, AKA Tomeo, AKA Towel, AKA Swime. Tomeo also did a nice thing/thing/thing. It was this: He Took The Photos For Our Photo Shoot Which Will Be Viewed Soon By You. If You Look Ahead. He is a mere eleven year old boy. What other of them do you know that would do that for two fourteen year old girls? What a dear!
But before you do that (looking ahead, please note that Feist's new record, Metals, is the bee's knees and you should buy it now if your heart feels the burning passion of desire which it may or may not have for Feist's musique. But furthermore, we are going to see her at Stubb's at a later time in our existence.
And Furthermore of that furthermore, her video for the song How COme YOU NEVER GO THERE is down there below this general area and it is creepily fairy princess. Among other things, like creeping through a forest with bare feet and long hair when the film is black and white and good music.
But even furthermore of that furthermore's furthermore, here is the stuff (pictures).
But before you do that (looking ahead, please note that Feist's new record, Metals, is the bee's knees and you should buy it now if your heart feels the burning passion of desire which it may or may not have for Feist's musique. But furthermore, we are going to see her at Stubb's at a later time in our existence.
Cup a butterfly. It'll help!
This is Teo. He hates this picture a lot, but we don't have any others, so c'est la vie!
And that's all! By by. e. e.